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"Desperate Housewives" two top stars will kiss on an upcoming episode.Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher will share a same-sex lip lock on an upcoming episode of their ABC Desperate Housewives, TV tatles at Celebuzz squealed on Thursday.ABC has exclusively confirmed to Extra that Desperate Housewives stars Teri Hatcher and Eva Longoria Parker do indeed share an on-screen kiss.ABC reports that Longoria-Parker is not the only woman who smooches Hatcher on this episode set to air during March sweeps.Another housewife in flux on Wisteria Lane, Nicollette Sheridan's Edie Britt, has been written out of the series for now. At last summer's TCA's, Sheridan told reporters, "[Creator Marc Cherry] tries to kill Edie every year." While Cherry quipped, "She's like a bad boomerang; she just keeps coming back."But Edie won't be coming back. The 45-year-old actress will shoot her final scene on the hit series, according to ABC.
To quote Chris Matthews, “Oh, God.” It seems a woman was recently banned from Xbox Live because her sexual orientation—she’s a lesbian—has been deemed “offensive” by Microsoft. Let’s see how long it takes for Microsoft to “reconsider” this ban.It’s like this: a woman, Teresa, had in her Xbox Live profile that she was a lesbian. Of course, the Xbox Live community, being the immature jerks that they are (I stopped using a headset while playing on XBL years ago), seized upon this, and immediately began harassing her in-game. At one point, she received a message from a fellow gamer containing a slur. That’s a hell of a way to treat another human being.It gets worse. When Teresa went to Microsoft to complain, she was told that other players found her orientation “offensive,” so she was banned. Banned! What a foolish policy on Microsoft’s part. (Never mind the offensiveness and anti-socialness of half the games on Xbox Live: using “bodies as shields,” blowing cars up in the middle of a fictional New York City, etc.)Let this news hit more “mainstream” news outlets, or Drudge or something, then we’ll see how long it takes before Teresa is reinstated.
2009 – February 20th till 25th2010 – February 12th till 17th2011 - March 4th till 9th2012 - February 17th till 22nd2013 - February 8th till 13th2014 - February 28th till March 5th2015 - February 13th till 18th2016 - February 5th till 10th2017 - February 24th till March 1st2018 - February 9th till 14th2019 - March 1st till 6th2020 - February 21st till 26th
#1Dyke or ButchA lesbian who dresses and behaves in a masculine fashion.#2Femme, Lipstick Lesbian, or Girly GirlA lesbian who dresses and behaves in a feminine fashion.#3FutchA lesbian who is both femme and butch.#4Stone ButchA lesbian who is strongly masculine in character and dress, who tops her partners sexually (and sometimes emotionally), and who does not wish to be touched genitally.#5Stone FemmeA lesbian who is femme, who is the receiver in sexual interactions, and who does not wish to be touched genitally.#6Chapstick LesbianA soft butch — also known as a chapstick lesbian — is a woman who exhibits some stereotypical butch lesbian traits without fitting the masculine stereotype associated with butch lesbians.#7Baby DykeA young, inexperienced and/or boyish lesbian; also sometimes called a Baby Butch.#8TomboiA submissive butch.#9Lesbian Until GraduationA woman experimenting with or adopting a temporary lesbian identity.#10HasbianA woman who has identified as a lesbian in the past but now identifies as heterosexual.
Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.
一位漢堡的當地藝術家蘇非(Inga Busch飾),因為她來自台灣的年輕愛人-艾菱(柯奐如飾)的離奇死亡,而陷入倉皇失措的情緒中。幾個月後,當蘇非到台北展示她最新的視覺藝術展時,被一位名叫湄黎(胡婷婷飾)的陌生記者窮追不捨。一開始,蘇非對湄黎打破沙鍋問到底的態度,及貿然闖入她的世界感到十分反感;但是同時也發現自己被湄黎的魅力與展現出來的自信所深深吸引。經過一場在台灣「夜市新奇大體驗」之後,蘇非將艾菱的事對湄黎娓娓道來。原來艾菱違背媽媽(陸弈靜 飾)的意思來到漢堡,因為艾菱懷疑住在漢堡的叔叔(高捷飾)就是她的生父。也正因為如此,她才有機會認識蘇非。她們倆一見鍾情,而艾菱也搬進了蘇非的公寓。但是,很快她們的感情開始出現了裂痕;蘇非覺得被艾菱持續不斷的關心與監視,逼到喘不過氣。而艾菱亦覺得蘇非只是利用她來當作拍攝紀錄片的主題。湄黎從台北來到蘇非漢堡的公寓,她想要利用深入報導蘇非當藉口而留了下來,兩人的戀情也就此展開。但湄黎背著蘇非,開始著手調查艾菱未解的死亡之謎,以及蘇非在事件中可能扮演的角色,當蘇非發現湄黎在調查自己,她開始懷疑,她面對的到底是鬼靈精怪的湄黎,還是艾菱輪迴轉世的亡魂……。
Yesterday, on “All My Children,” Reese and Bianca got married, creating a milestone in matrimony. The first lesbian wedding on daytime TV was a real Kleenex-fest! With enough tears of joy to float everyone’s boat, the whole affair was a beautiful spectacle and a timely push for equal rights, in light of the struggle to stop Prop 8. But dang girls, you just got hitched—we could have used some more hot action to go with those warm fuzzies! And the same sex lovin’ is headed from daytime to primetime—supposedly Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher are slated to suck face on this season of “Desperate Housewives.” It’s hard to imagine that this peck on “L.A. Law” caused such a scandal back in 1991! I’ve put a thermometer in my mouth with more passion. Anyway, all these awesome story lines combined are a clear sign that the times, well they are a changin’. So now that we’re feeling the love, here are our favorite scenes of lesbian lovin’ on TV…