South African Men “Cure” Lesbians With Rape

Gangs of South African men are raping lesbians in the belief it will "cure" the women's sexual orientation, an aid agency said Friday. NGO ActionAid said in a report titled "Hate Crimes: the rise of corrective rape in South Africa" lesbians were increasingly at risk of rape, particularly in South African townships where homosexuality is largely taboo.South African lesbians face many challenges. Not only do they have to work against sexual stereotypes and fight for equality, they’re also finding themselves the target of severe physical violence.Sexual abuse is all too common in this country, and after female football star Eudy Simelane was found dead after being gang-raped, beaten and stabbed 25 times in the face, violence against lesbians in South Africa has come to the forefront of human-rights debates. But she’s not the only victim, by far. In July 2006, the bodies of two other women were found in a field in Soweto, a township outside Johannesburg. One woman, who was openly a lesbian and an HIV/AIDS activist, had been shot six times. Groups like Human Rights Watch have called on the government to step it up against the horrific crimes, but violence against lesbians and their attackers’ campaign of "corrective rape" to "cure" them of their sexual orientation has only increased. A new report by NGO ActionAid, which is supported by the South African Human Rights Commission, says the crimes must be punished by the country’s legal system as hate crimes."Every day I am told that they are going to kill me, that they are going to rape me and after they rape me I’ll become a girl," Zakhe Sowello from Soweto told The Guardian newspaper. "When you are raped you have a lot of evidence on your body. But when we try and report these crimes nothing happens, and then you see the boys who raped you walking free on the street."Let’s hope South Africa has the political strength to combat these vicious crimes.
來自NGO ActionAid的一個名為“"Hate Crimes: the rise of corrective rape in South Africa" ”的報告中,稱South African men用“強暴”(RAPE)來“糾正”Lesbians的性向。
South African的Lesbians每天不得不面對各種因性向而引起的刻板印象(歧視)以及在為得到平等權利而鬥爭。現在,她們還成為了以性暴力的目標。
前南非女足隊員Eudy Simelane在公開自己的傾向之後,遭到了“正當強姦”以及拷打(事情發生在08年)。來自開普敦的Triangle同性戀人權組織稱,他們每週都能收到至少10個類似的案例。
Zakhe Sowello告訴《衛報》,“當你被強姦之後(有明顯的證據),去試圖報案或者什麼,但你卻發現這根本不管用。” ,“每一天我的生命都受到危險,他們以為“強暴”我就能變回一個“正常”的女孩。”
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